mardi 17 avril 2012

Permission email lists are best

Permission Email Lists are Best

One of the greatest challenges to an email marketer is building a cost effective list. The major reason there is such challenge in this endeavor is that up to almost thirty percent of all email addresses change after being submitted.


One of the greatest challenges to an email marketer is building a cost effective list. The major reason there is such challenge in this endeavor is that up to almost thirty percent of all email addresses change after being submitted. Of course this shouldnt stop a good marketer. What it will do is require them to take a more aggressive approach in order to survive and stay in step with their competition. They must expand their potential client base in order to get a higher return on their investment.

Obviously one of the simplest ways to maintain an email list that will actually contact the intended recipient is to get their permission. Not doing so opens the door to being found guilty of webmail spamming. Getting a spamming complaint is not good. Spamming has the potential of creating unwanted legal problems which can escalate into an expensive law suit for breaking U.S. email regulations. Therefore it is not uncommon nowadays to see a convenient sign up form being offered on nearly every web page someone visits these days. A good marketer should not miss any opportunity to change a visiting web surfer into an ongoing email subscriber.

It's a good practice to encourage a website visitor to sign up by providing something that enhances the value of the newsletter being offered. One way of doing this is to provide a sample screenshot of an email letter. On the sample it helps to have testimonials praising the free and informative information always provided. Also an incentive like a sign up bonus can definitely help too. Other simple incentives that can be offered are things like an email course, a free eBook, contest entry, or special discounts for subscribers only. It's a well proven fact that incentives generate higher conversion rates.

Email marketing goes beyond just the letter itself. Without visitors there's no one to sign-up. No traffic no growth. So it's necessary to diligently practice good search engine optimization techniques. All current and archived web pages along with email newsletters must be optimized to assure the maximum traffic results. It's a numbers game all said and done. One's subscription rates will increase in proportion to the number of visitors. Using Google's Adwords can be very helpful. When someone clicks on the ad just make sure the first thing they see on the landing page is the subscription information. If one offers a free demo make sure the opt-in check box is conveniently included. Just doing these things has increased some websites email newsletter conversion rates by as much as fifty percent.

Finally, one of the oldest and best ways to get quality email newsletter clients is by word of mouth. In the newsletter be sure to include a "Send-To-Friend" option. It's pretty much a no brainer. If the email client one has likes what they're getting so will many of their friends. Even better offer an incentive for recommending three friends. The bottom line is to be creative and determined. Everyday someone else on the internet will come up with another way to increase their email subscription list. Dont be lazy. If someone else can do it so can you. Now take what you've learned today and succeed.


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