mercredi 18 avril 2012

Personality and social development


Personality and Social Development
Personality Development

We live in a face pace world that drives us to the cutthroat competitions forcing us to watch our steps along the way. The human need to proceed through the process of social and personality development has slowed while the need to earn more money has increased.

In the race against time, common people are hustling and bustling through the crowd of greed in order to make ends meet. Many people have resorted to going to any level in order to survive in this greed-packed world.

Many people fail to realize that life is precious and time is even more valuable. Time is running short, so the need to earn money for worldly pleasures must come to a halt. As people, we all have the purpose to develop the self and social skills. We as people are suppose to work in harmony, yet most of the people will work against the other.

Human behavior is suffering. Human behavior is explained in one way as the dependency of acting in accord to nature and the personality. With the increasing urge for worldly pleasures, there has been a far-reaching change in human nature, which it can be enlarged by an easy technique known as self-control.

Merely, we have many issues in life that are out of our control. We cannot do anything about those things that are out of our control, but we can take charge of the things that are in our control. We have control of our self. We have the power to keep it as simple as possible while becoming a positive example to someone else.

Life is full of ups and down and there are countless emotions that one has to come across in his or her life. Consequently, self-control is the chief element for ones inner self-attainment, social and personality development. To control the self, one must create a list of items that he can or cannot control. Following us, all should create a plan to take charge of our process of social and personality development. The next thorny step is to execute your plan. Always try to have positive energy, since it will give you power and control over what you have the ability to change.

We must believe in ourselves and keep others well versed of our success. By continuing to inform others, it will generate faith. One of the most essential ways of building self-control is by cultivating self-motivation. We all should attempt to motivate self in every step of our life. Self-motivation is promoted with a positive attitude.

An optimistic attitude will not only assist you with realizing your inner self it will also generate positive vibrations in others around you which in turn facilitates you to live a healthy life. But leading a self-controlled life is only the beginning. We all must develop our willpower to resist and prevent self from falling in the snares of temptation. This means we have decide what our intentions are and keep them insight throughout the social and personality development stages. So the best thing to do in any circumstance is to do not encourage temptation in, but keep it out for the sake of social and personality development.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. We must learn what these strengths and weaknesses are to bring to halt the allures that snare us into heading in the wrong direction. Take time now to consider your strengths and weaknesses and build hope for a brighter future. By doing so you join the win-win game of life and push ahead to salvation.


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