mardi 17 avril 2012

Perk up your smile and maybe your paycheck

Perk Up Your Smile -- And Maybe Your Paycheck

There might be more truth than you think to the term "million-dollar smile." Research has found evidence of a possible connection between your appearance and how much is in your paycheck.

Perk Up Your Smile -- And Maybe Your Paycheck

There might be more truth than you think to the term "million-dollar smile." Research has found evidence of a possible connection between your appearance and how much is in your paycheck.

In a study released by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, researchers found that good-looking people tend to earn 5 percent more an hour than their less attractive cohorts.

Other studies suggest that a smile is a major factor in the overall impression a person makes on the job, during a job interview and in social situations outside the workplace.

Virtually all Americans say a smile is an important social asset, according to a study conducted for the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, while 74 percent say an unattractive smile can hurt a person's chances for career success.

"A dentist from Philadelphia we trained had a patient who reported his income went up 27 percent the year after getting a smile makeover," said Dr. Bill Dickerson, founder of LVI Global, where dentists come from around


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