mardi 17 avril 2012

Perform better golf with these fitness tips

Perform Better Golf With These Fitness Tips

Everyone wants to be able to perform better golf, and with these three tips youll be on your road to becoming a better golfer.

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Everyone wants to be able to perform better golf, and with these three tips youll be on your road to becoming a better golfer.

Each well-kept secret centers on fitness and ensuring that your body is up to the task of playing an exceptional round of golf. With a high level of fitness which can be accomplished in just a few short fitness sessions a week your body will be better prepared to play golf, making you perform better golf. Without good fitness, all the technique training in the world isnt going to make you an excellent golfer. Technique can only take you so far when youre body isnt in top golfing shape.

The first well-kept secret is flexibility. Performing stretches and improving your flexibility will provide you with better rotation and a smoother more fluid swing. This is especially important when it comes to shoulder rotation and spinal rotation. Keeping your back and shoulders limber will go a long way in improving the power of your swing. Exercising these muscles regularly, and stretc


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