samedi 20 mars 2010

Could you be a candidate for lasik eye surgery

Could You Be A Candidate For LASIK Eye Surgery?

LASIK eye surgery is not for everyone. Read on to see whether you are a potential candidate for LASIK surgery

lasik, laser eye surgery, eye surgery, lasek, eye, vision

Does wearing spectacles or contact lenses seem cumbersome to you? Are you considering LASIK eye surgery one of the most prevalent and successful refractive surgery techniques? I suggest you hold your horses and rather request the valuable assistance of an expert surgeon, since LASIK eye surgery is not for everyone. Read on to see whether you are a potential candidate for LASIK surgery.

An important aspect to bear in mind while considering LASIK surgery is the patients age. Since the vision typically experiences a continuous change until the age of 18, you must be at least 18 years old (21 for some laser ablations) to undergo LASIK. Furthermore, if you are myopic, you should defer LASIK awaiting your refraction to stabilize, since myopia may continue to increase until a patients mid to late 20s.

Pregnant or nursing mothers are advised against undergoing LASIK, though they might go for LASIK at a later stage in life. Also, you must not be taking certain prescription drugs, such as oral prednisone or Ac


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