vendredi 26 mars 2010

How to take better pictures with a digital camera

How To Take Better Pictures With A Digital Camera

Todays cameras make taking pictures a lot easier than the ones of yesterday. There is always room for improvement, however. Use the following tips to help make your photos go from acceptable to great.

subject, camera, flash, face, center, light, view, quarter view, slightly, available light, three quarter, line, three quarter view, quarter, dont, three, remember, little, available, subject 4 remember,

Todays cameras make taking pictures a lot easier than the ones of yesterday. There is always room for improvement, however. Use the following tips to help make your photos go from acceptable to great.

1. Always be aware of the background.

You dont want to find trees growing out of peoples heads or a passing vehicle to draw attention from your subject. Sometimes moving your subject just a couple steps to either side can make all the difference.

2. Use available light.

If your digital camera has an option to turn the flash off and its light enough outside to read a book, then use the available light, and turn the flash off. In general camera flashes are too harsh for human skin and make all of us look pale. Indoors, where there isnt enough daylight, place your subject by a window and use your fill flash feature.

3. Aim your camera slightly down at the persons face.

Also dont shoot just face on to the person, try a little to the side, a three quarter view, so that you see more of their face. Remember camera higher looking down and a three quarter view, it will slim your subject.

4. Remember your focus.

Get closer to your subject. Fill the frame with your subject and there will be no doubt as to what the picture is saying.

6. Never put your subject dead center.

Put your just slightly off center; not a lot just a little. When youre shooting groups of people, find the imaginary center line of your group and put that line just a bit off center in your view through your lens or screen.

Following these tips wont turn you into an award-winning photographer today, but you will be on your way to better, more powerful photographs that others will comment on for years to come.


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