samedi 20 mars 2010

Could those creepy crawly nighttime leg sensations be a treatable medical condition one woman s search for relief

Could Those Creepy-Crawly Nighttime Leg Sensations Be A Treatable Medical Condition? One Woman's Search For Relief

For more than 10 years, Beth McFadden, a 44-year-old mother of three, lived with strange leg sensations that were not only difficult to describe, but were also uncomfortable and disruptive.

Could Those Creepy-Crawly Nighttime Leg Sensations Be A Treatable Medical Condition? One Woman's Search For Relief

For more than 10 years, Beth McFadden, a 44-year- old mother of three, lived with strange leg sensations that were not only difficult to describe, but were also uncomfortable and disruptive.

"At night, I would be lying in bed, just on the verge of going to sleep, and I would get these feelings in my legs that I needed to make go away. It was a tingling sensation-my legs would feel like something was crawling deep inside them. I felt like I had to move my legs and then would start tossing and turning. Sometimes, I had to get out of bed and walk to relieve the feelings. This would usually go on for quite some time, preventing me from falling asleep."

Beth knew that what she was experiencing wasn't normal, so she started talking to others about her symptoms. At the time, her doctors did not know how to help her. Beth even thought the symptoms might be related to her diet or exercise habits.

"I was frustrated. Night after ni


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