samedi 20 mars 2010

Costs to advertise on blogs

How Much Would It Cost You to Advertise on Blogs?

Advertising costs money, even online where the cost of
promoting a brand can set you back by a few hundred
dollars to a few thousand. John Chows blog, for
example, one of the most popular blogs currently
active, sells 125 x 125 sidebar ad spots at $500 a
month. The same ad placement will cost around $1,500
with Copyblogger. If youre wondering how much it
would cost you to advertise on blogs, consider the

Traffic and popularity Blogs thrive on the number of
traffic that visits their sites and on the subsequent
popularity this generates. This is also a major
consideration for advertisers. More traffic simply
means better exposure. Targeted traffic means youll
be selling to more people who are likely to buy.

Between a blog that has only 50,000 page views and
another that has 100,000, who would you choose? The
latter obviously offers a wider market and more
potential buyers.

The mille matters. Traffic or the number of page views
a blog page re


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