lundi 28 mars 2011

Credit card common mistakes the top ten

Credit Card Common Mistakes - The Top Ten

If you ever think that you handle your credit cards perfectly read this article, you may still have some room for improvement!

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In no particular order, the following are viewed as being the top 10 common credit card mistakes:

1. Applying for a card and limit you cannot afford to repay

Most people have bad debt management skills and are swept away with the fact that they have x amount of pounds as their limit. They rarely consider paying the card and have maxed the card out in a few months. They then spend years trying to repay the card!

2. Applying for too many cards

Not content with having one credit card that has reached its limit, most of us jump at the chance to apply for a new card as soon as it is offered to us. Then, having learnt nothing from our previous experience, we rush and buy all the things we couldnt because we had to save money to repay the first card. Suddenly we have twice the trouble!

3. Using the cash advance function

At least with purchases made for goods and services we should get around 50 days interest free credit, but with a c


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