lundi 28 mars 2011

Credit card bills read them carefully

Credit Card Bills Read Them Carefully

Many people fail to read the fine print when applying for credit cards. Even after they are approved, many people also fail to carefully read their statements.

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Many people fail to read the fine print when applying for credit cards. Even after they are approved, many people also fail to carefully read their statements. This could lead to disaster, as many credit card companies put clauses in the contracts which allow them to raise your interest rate for many different reasons. The fine print on a credit card document can be hard to read and tedious, and it is no accident that it was designed this way. Credit card companies make billions off the ignorance of their customers.

Back To School!

Even though the language used on credit card documents is complex, it is important that you understand it. It is something you agree to, and you don't want to agree to something you don't understand. Most credit card companies don't have your best interests in mind, and this is why it is important to protect yourself. Most people are under the false assumption that credit card companies will only raise interest rates when you are late making your payments. Unfortunately, this


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