lundi 23 août 2010

Bill farley chopra center and zrii

Bill Farley, Chopra Center And Zrii

The establishment of the Chopra Center endorsing Zrii has an interesting story behind it. It certainly did not just happen over night. Many people have tried to get the Chopra name on their health products in the past with no avail. So the fact that Zrii has the Chopra Center backing them is worth our attention...and Bill Farley is the man who brought it all together.

Bill Farley, President and CEO of Zrii, knows that liquid nutrition is the wave of the future. And Bill al...

Zrii,Chopra Center,Deepak Chopra,Bill Farley,amalaki,network marketing,mlm,david simon,

The establishment of the Chopra Center endorsing Zrii has an interesting story behind it. It certainly did not just happen over night. Many people have tried to get the Chopra name on their health products in the past with no avail. So the fact that Zrii has the Chopra Center backing them is worth our attention...and Bill Farley is the man who brought it all together.

Bill Farley, President and CEO of Zrii, knows that liquid nutrition is the wave of the future. And Bill also knows that network marketing is the real estate of the 21st century. Putting those two things together, Bill Farley began his quest of starting the next billion dollar brand in the network marketing industry with a liquid nutritional based product.

There are many superfruits on the market and just as many network marketing companies that have used a certain exotic superfruit to create a juice with. When Bill Farley was looking for the right liquid nutritional beverage to bring to market, he knew that it couldn't be a superfruit that was already big in the West. Bill wanted something unique, a first to market product, that had a medicinal value (not just an exotic fruit mixed with other juices). And Bill understood the importance of a true ayurvedic formulation...not just an exotic fruit mixed with other juices. That is where the Chopra center (an expert in ayurveda) came into the picture.

Bill just happens to be very good friends with the Chopra Center as he has always been into health and nutrition. It was the Chopra Center that led him to the discovery of the amalaki fruit and it was the Chopra Center that helped form a team of doctors to create Zrii. The Chopra Center told Bill that amalaki is the greatest fruit of all and that it is relatively unheard of in the West. In fact, the Chopra Center was so convinced of its value in nutrition that they were willing to be involved in endorsing the product as long as it past the test of intense scrutiny.

The Amalaki Fruit has its origination in very old times. It is supposed to be the traditional fruit that cures several ailments and is supposed to be very good for health in general. Saturated with several nutrients, this fruit has remained undervalued for many years because of lack of knowledge and expertise about the Amalaki. Now, however, people are gradually becoming more aware of the benefits that Amalaki has to offer, those of vitalizing and rejuvenating one's system.

But remember, Zrii is more than just amalaki. It is a combination of powerful herbs and fruits such as haritaki which literally means to "wash away disease". Or tulsi, turmeric, shizandra,jujube, and ginger. Together, these ingredients make up a juice that has never been seen before.

Thus was born Zrii, a product of hard work, effort and wisdom of the Chopra Center and Bill Farley. They worked in a perfect pair. The Chopra Center, founded by Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon, brought in the knowledge about the Indian herb, and Bill brought in the financial resources required. Both of them had a vision. They, with their given resources, were able to hire top experts in the field who put their heads together to come up with this truly amazing product - Zrii.


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