lundi 23 août 2010

Bilberry fights night blindness and other diseases

Bilberry Fights Night Blindness And Other Diseases

Over centuries bilberry has been used for its medicinal purposes. Similar to blueberries and cranberries, bilberry also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant qualities. This fruit is used for its astringent, tonic and antiseptic properties which can treat various health problems like diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal inflammation. The most important use for bilberry has been the treatment of various eye disorders and improvement of capillary health.

Home remedies using bilberry, Natural cure using bilberry, bilberry benefits, night blindness

Over centuries bilberry has been used for its medicinal purposes. Similar to blueberries and cranberries, bilberry also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant qualities. This fruit is used for its astringent, tonic and antiseptic properties which can treat various health problems like diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal inflammation. The most important use for bilberry has been the treatment of various eye disorders and improvement of capillary health.

Bilberry has been very effective in improving night vision. Being a close relative of blueberry, it contains high levels of natural antioxidant compound. These antioxidants prevent free radicals from causing any damage to the eye. It also strengthens the small blood vessels that carry oxygen to the eyes.

Bilberry is high in flavonoids known as Anthocyanosides, that quickens the regeneration of Rhodospin, a purple pigment used as rods in the eye for night vision. It


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