dimanche 13 mai 2012

Portable air conditioner a recommended cooling option

Portable Air Conditioner A Recommended Cooling Option

A portable air conditioner is different from a window air conditioning unit. You can move a portable air conditioner from one room to another. A portable air conditioner gives you the option of mobile cooling. Moving it is not a problem as it has small wheels and can be easily maneuvered in and around the house.

The pros and cons of a portable air conditioner are as follows:

The Pros
1.You do not have to make a hole in your wall for a portable air conditioner. In addit...

air conditioners,air cooling

A portable air conditioner is different from a window air conditioning unit. You can move a portable air conditioner from one room to another. A portable air conditioner gives you the option of mobile cooling. Moving it is not a problem as it has small wheels and can be easily maneuvered in and around the house.

The pros and cons of a portable air conditioner are as follows:

The Pros
1.You do not have to make a hole in your wall for a portable air conditioner. In addition, it does not spoil the view of your window.
2.No need to buy or mount a separate air conditioner for each wall as this can be moved from room to room.
3.Is much cheaper than a central air conditioner.

The Cons
1.It is definitely noisier than a ductless air conditioner as it is a self-contained unit and the compressor is within the main unit itself.
2.Slightly higher in costs. The difference is slight.
3.The hot air must be vented outside via a pipe or through the door.

Energy Efficiency and Other Costs
A portable air conditioner is as


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