samedi 12 mai 2012

Plymouth city guide including plymouth hotels

Plymouth City guide, including Plymouth Hotels


Plymouth is the vibrant regional capital of Devon and Cornwall. It is a
thriving modern city, a historic seafaring port and holiday centre with
something for everyone.


Plymouth is the vibrant regional capital of Devon and Cornwall. It is a thriving modern city, a historic seafaring port and holiday centre with something for everyone. When you want to escape the bustle and find a little peace and quiet, Plymouth is the perfect place to start. With a unique waterfront ambience and its spirit of the sea, Plymouth encompasses great local and international cuisine, superb entertainment and all weather activities throughout the year.

Places of interest:

There is plenty to do for all ages in and around Plymouth. A great place to start is the Plymouth Dome, where you will learn the history of the city. Then you can explore the Victorian Crownhill Fort, with great cannons, underground tunnels, ramparts, barracks and a massive dry moat. The state-of-the-art National Marine Aquarium is one of the country's premier tourist attractions, or you can enjoy one of the other indoor attractions are on offer such as ten pin bowling, laser games, ice skating or even an indoor beach at the


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