samedi 12 mai 2012

Plugging up the money drain part i housing auto groceries

Plugging Up The Money Drain, Part I - Housing, Auto, & Groceries

This article is the first part of a four part article series on advice about how you can stop and plug your money drain. This article is title the - Plugging Up the Money Drain, Part One - Housing, Auto, & Groceries. Watch out for the next three articles coming soon after this article in the next few days.

Could you free up an extra USD 200 in your monthly budget, or $300, or $500? Perhaps you think you cant, but what if you absolutely had to? Freeing up money each month ...



This article is the first part of a four part article series on advice about how you can stop and plug your money drain. This article is title the - Plugging Up the Money Drain, Part One - Housing, Auto, & Groceries. Watch out for the next three articles coming soon after this article in the next few days.

Could you free up an extra USD 200 in your monthly budget, or $300, or $500? Perhaps you think you cant, but what if you absolutely had to? Freeing up money each month would let you pay off a debt or pay for a new roof for your house. Let us look at how to save money in the three largest parts of our budget.

Housing usually takes up the largest part of anyones budget. If you rent, finding a less expensive place or a house mate might be well worth the change. You might be able to find a place of equal value, but costs less. If you own your home, see if you can qualify to reduce your real estate taxes and see if you have enough equity to drop your mortgage insurance. If mortgage rates have dropped it might be worth it for you to refinance your loan. Comparison shop with your home and auto insurance again. Most companies will give you a reduction for carrying both policies with them.

Autos are where we spend the next largest part of our budget. Start keeping a record of the number of miles you drive each week and begin cutting back unnecessary trips and look into car pooling with co-workers. Properly inflate your tires and get regular tune-ups for best mileage.

How much do you spend on groceries each month? The average cost conscious family in America spends about USD 40 per person, per week, but singles and casual gourmet cooks may spend USD 80 a week or more. Even a budget of USD 40 per person can be reduced by 25% (twenty five percent) at least, freeing up USD 520 per person, per year. To reduce your grocery budget, buy fewer prepared foods and instead cook, drink more water and less soda pop, find some inexpensive, quick recipes to make regularly, resist buying too much so that you eat the food you purchase rather than waste it, comparison shop, and try generic rather than name brands. Some shoppers save a lot on their food budget by using coupons, while others avoid buying name brand and prepared foods. Either method will reduce your food budget. Figure out what you have been spending each week on food, and reduce that amount by 25% (twenty five percent) and see if you can adjust to living


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