lundi 23 août 2010

Bfolder2 using your own master resell rights ebook as viral ebook

Your Master Resell Rights e-Book as a Viral e-Book

So you have finished writing your own e-book. Everything is already polished and it is now ready to be distributed. You have already done some promotion about it here and there. And you are now waiting for results to pour in.

However, there are some more ways that you can do to increase your sales through your e-book. Being the author of your e-book, you have all the rights to do whatever you want with it. You have the control over the contents of your e-book. With that fact, you have the master resell (or resale) rights of your e-book

Gaining the master resell rights of an e-book means huge profit and a return of investment that is unheard of in the outside world. If you have the master resell rights of an e-book, you have the right to sell the e-book to other people, and those who purchase it will also have the same right to sell it again to others.

How does master resell rights earn you a lot of money? Let us say you purchased an e-book with master resell rights for $47. Since you have the master rights, you will resell the e-book for the same price. Having just one sale already makes you break-even. Of course, you wouldnt stop with just one customer. If you sell 11 more copies, that means a whopping 1000% profit just on that single e-book.

If you want your e-book to be viral, which means to spread out exponentially, applying the concept of master resell rights can be helpful. However, for it to get distributed easier in a short time, we must apply one principle of viral marketing. That principle is giving away something for free.

You may ask - how can you earn when you give away your e-book for free? Being the author of the e-book gives you full control on what is inside it. You can have as many links as you want inside your e-book. But just do not make the links too obvious for readers not to get skeptical about your e-book.

Those links that you put on your e-book lead to your site. So once a reader clicks on a link, it is already one possible customer for you.

But how do you make it viral? Giving away your e-book for free is just one part of the strategy. Yes, you can earn from there but not as much as you would of your e-book gets viral. So for that to happen, you can offer master resell rights of your e-book to your customers.

You can give an option to your customers to either get your e-book for free or add just a very minimal fee to obtain master resell rights for the e-book as well. But why would they pay for the master resell rights? It is simply because with that right, they can customize all the links of your e-book and change them with their own affiliate code.

Having their own affiliate code on those pages of your e-book will earn them commissions from your site. Other than that, having master resell rights will allow them to sell or give away your e-book to their customers, and those customers can do the same with their own set of customers.

With all those possibilities, they will definitely be motivated to pass more and more of your e-book. Not only do they earn commissions from your site, they also get some income by also selling master resell rights or just resell rights.

Once that happens, you will just realize that your e-book indeed has gone viral and your site gaining more and more traffic with increased sales as well. And all these happened just by giving away your e-book for free and adding master resell rights for a minimal fee.

There is no doubt that viral marketing is really the future of internet marketing. It guarantees huge outcome with only little effort and small cost on your part. Viral marketing will soon overcome all those traditional marketing and advertising where one should spend thousands of dollars just to gain maximum exposure.

So once you already have your product and have finished creating an e-book for that product, better start distributing it now and make it viral to maximize your profit to its full potential.


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