mardi 17 avril 2012

Personal growth through writing

Personal Growth Through Writing


From, 5 Seeds for Growing Your Writing and Writing Your Life Your Most Important Relationship

The greater voyage of living begins with the intention to form a relationship. A relationship with yourself. Writing is a profound tool for doing so, but to be effective it requires the formation of another intimate connection. One with the page. From a practical standpoint, its easy. The only tools you need are a pen and paper. But to create a relationship that honors both the...



From, 5 Seeds for Growing Your Writing and Writing Your Life Your Most Important Relationship

The greater voyage of living begins with the intention to form a relationship. A relationship with yourself. Writing is a profound tool for doing so, but to be effective it requires the formation of another intimate connection. One with the page. From a practical standpoint, its easy. The only tools you need are a pen and paper. But to create a relationship that honors both the art of writing and the path of personal development, more is required. The tools the pen and paper - are of no use if two other elements are not present: Commitment and Permission.

Be certainI do not utter these words lightly; I know from experience the quiver they stir in the gut, the sweat they bring to the hands, and the turning away from many an adventure that has been done in their name. Still, they are the companions you must befriend if you are to become a traveler on this journey, if you are to come to know and grow yourself


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