dimanche 21 mars 2010

Country lawn maintenance 10 tips to know before you mow

Country Lawn Maintenance - 10 Tips to Know Before You Mow


Urbanites with rsums limited to plucking the occasional dandelion from their xeriscape and raising a hydroponic tomato in the condo alcove, should rightfully tremble when considering the daunting task of country lawn maintenance.

Country life, farm, small farm, backyard, rural, mow, mowing, tractor, lawn mower, lawn care, lawn, John Deer, Nola, Nola Kelsey, humor, satire, bitch unleashed, book, life, south dakota, black hills

Practical survival skills should be fifty percent of what we study in school! Languishing twelve to sixteen years in the bowels of our education system should not leave American citizens unprepared to cope with perpetually running toilets. A burned out taillight should not knock our world off its axis. This chasm of neglected wisdom is not simply filled with the obvious auto and home maintenance issues. All the little stupidities reflect on our society.

Years ago, I was sitting in an I-5 traffic jam with my sister, August. Innocently I remarket, I hate trying to tune in that radio station while Im driving. Without provocation August reached down and yanked the unsuspecting radio button straight out of its place. Metallic skeletal parts were revealed. Grey whales migrating off the coast heard my gasp. Then, get this; she shoved the hapless button back in all the way! Even if the traffic had been moving, I was in no condition to drive.

This blatant assault on my automotive electronics was uncalled fo


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